Wednesday, December 22, 2010

And Now For This Commercial Message

Check out this great new website -- The newsle service allows you to track news, the best news, about people. It works on both Facebook friends and on public figures.

This is my son's brainchild, along with his Harvard roommate, hence the full disclosure in this posting's title.

As Axel says, "The goal of Newsle is to make sure you never miss an important story about a friend, professional contact, or public figure you care about."

Go ahead, plug your favorite academic, businessperson, investor, or politician into it and see what news they are making or what is being said about them. Or maybe an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, or the person who is threatening to sue you. I thought the CEO of BAA (operator of Heathrow airport) would make for an interesting search, which it does.

Key thing is newsle's ability to follow lots of people, with a very wide source of news, automatically for you.

Anyone have any commercialization ideas for this? Applications?

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